MDG 1 Case Study Brief no. 2: HARITA - A Rural Resilience Initiative


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MDG 1 Case Study Brief no. 2: HARITA - A Rural Resilience Initiative

July 27, 2015

This case study brief is on Horn of Africa Risk Transfer for Adaptation (HARITA), an innovative project that offers a risk management package for farmers in Tigray, the northern most state of Ethiopia. The project broke new ground in the fields of food security, climate change resiliency and micro-insurance by addressing the needs of smallholder producers through an unusual, yet effective mix of risk reduction, drought insurance and credit.

Read other case studies in the series:

Target Interventions against Hunger and Malnutrition

Institutional Coordination and Integrated Decent Work Strategies for Poverty Reduction

Scaling up the Women’s Food Processing Home-industry in Indonesia

Towards Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh

Tobacco Control

Document Type
Regions and Countries