Nature Count$ - Investing in ecosystems and biodiversity for sustainable development

Nature Count$ - Investing in ecosystems and biodiversity for sustainable development

December 8, 2016

Through UNDP ecosystem and biodiversity (EBD) work, we are learning that “not counting what counts” is much more serious than a mere oversight. Not counting value of nature and what it provides to us and not including it in the cost-benefit calculus of businesses and development work, has been the driver behind many calamities - massive biodiversity loss, and ecosystem compensation payouts in forms of increased intensity of natural disasters, water scarcity, food insecurity, fisheries collapse among others.

Nature Count$, with key sheets to correspond to each of the 17 SDG spreads, showcases evidence of the development and economic impact of our large EBD portfolio in Asia and the Pacific with US$368 million in grants from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). How impacts of our projects contribute to the 2030 agenda towards a just, equitable and prosperous future for all.