In depth

Climate Disaster Resilience

UNDP’s support to countries on climate change and disaster resilience is oriented by different pillars: Climate Change, Energy and Disaster Risk Reduction.

On Climate change, adaptation action advances climate-resilient communities, ecosystems, and economies, with particular focus on vulnerable populations – the poor, women, and indigenous peoples. On the climate finance perspective, the growing challenge of addressing climate change issues in developing countries requires a structured approach that uses government planning and budgeting system for a systematic domestic response.  

Per the UNDP Energy Strategy, UNDP’s work on sustainable energy is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) on “ensuring access to affordable, reliable, modern, and sustainable energy” and is structured around three action areas – energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

UNDP’s disaster risk reduction efforts aim to ‘risk-inform’ development in line with the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai Framework). Specifically, UNDP works with country partners to strengthen national and subnational policy, legal and institutional frameworks; foster greater coherence of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation efforts; provide access to risk information and early warning systems; and strengthen preparedness and recovery measures.